Infant Feeding Training
Level 2: Core Skills
About this course:
This course leads on from Level 1 and participants must have completed Level 1 before beginning Level 2.
Through a combination of video, text and a live (or recorded) workshop session we give a more in-depth overview of infant feeding. We cover topics needed to provide a basic level of support to families including alternatives to direct breast/chest feeding.
This course is ideal as a refresher for medical professionals and peer supporters, for doulas and those running antenatal education.
Pre requisites: Level 1
Length: 5 hrs
Format: Video, text, online workshop, discussion group
Language: English
Accessibility: Subtitles available for video
Assessment: Online multiple choice test
Price: TBC
Next start date: TBC
Brief Course Outline:
An overview of how breasts make and deliver milk
Human milk
Newborn instinctive behaviours and infant feeding
Positioning for breast and chest feeding
Contingency planning
Hand expressing
Infant development in the context of infant feeding
Common barriers including breast issues
Expressing and human milk storage
Safe and responsive bottle feeding and use of human milk substitutes