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Infant Feeding Training

Supporting professionals to increase their skills and confidence.

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Level 1:


An overview of breast/chest feeding for those not necessarily supporting with feeding directly.

Ideal for people running baby related groups and activities or with a general interest in supporting families.


Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace

Looking at reasons why a business might want to actively support their employees to breastfeed, how that might be achieved and national requirements.


Level 2:

Core Skills

A more in-depth overview of infant feeding including alternatives to direct breast/chest feeding and delivering a basic level of information and support.


This course is ideal as a refresher for medical professionals and peer supporters, for doulas and those running antenatal education.


Cultural Learning

Using cultural understanding to support diverse families effectively.


Level 3:

Enhanced Skills

Skills and knowledge needed to support breast/chest feeding dyads and others with new babies effectively throughout their journey including addressing commonly experienced barriers.

These courses are specialised to be relevant to particular groups such as peer supporters, midwifery and neonatal practitioners, health visitors and medical staff. The content covers BFI UK requirements for training.


Childcare Settings

Supporting optimal child development and infant feeding in childcare settings


Level 4:

Advanced Skills

This course is designed to help candidates working towards their IBLCE exam meet the Lactation Education requirements.


Feeding Debrief

Our personal experiences naturally colour how we view the world and can impact on how we support families, particularly with very emotive experiences. This is a one to one session with one of our IBCLCs to talk through your own infant feeding experience(s) with the aim of helping you to understand what happened and begin moving forward more positively.

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